With CART, everything that is said is “captioned” (written exactly as spoken or nearly verbatim) as it happens, so that Deaf or Hard of Hearing clients are able to receive the information as it is verbalized. It is similar to what you see on your TV when you enable captioning or when you watch a movie in a language other than your native language and see “captions” at the bottom that help you to understand what is being said. The big difference here though is this is not a translation, the goal is to repeat what is being spoken exactly as it is spoken.
With today’s technology, CART is available for all kinds of settings. CART is a captioning solution that is frequently used in settings such as classrooms, churches, meetings, and conferences. The captioning may be viewed on a small screen that can be read only by one deaf person, such as a laptop, smart phone or tablet. Or the CART captions can be displayed on an overhead (for a small group), broadcast on a large screen, on the internet, or broadcast via satellite.
Much like a court reporter, the CART provider quickly types into a steno-type machine using machine shorthand, and the computer software translates that shorthand into real-time captions, matching the data typed in by the CART provider against what is in a specialized dictionary stored in the computer. The process is so fast that there is hardly any lag time between what is said and what the deaf person is able to read.
Access Services Northwest works directly with premier CART providers when CART is a smart choice for meeting our clients’ communication needs.
You may request CART services just like you do on site ASL Interpreter services using our online request form.